New Beginnings

So much in my life has changed in such a short period of time. Just a few short months ago was our wedding. A couple of weeks later we moved across the country to the suburbs of Chicago. I decided to take a break from nursing and enroll in some Graphic Arts classes at a local college. Now we are considering moving across the country yet again...this time to a suburb of San Francisco.

While I am eager for this move, it also means our life will become unsettled yet again. And since the area is known to have a high cost of living, we are not sure what type of housing we can afford. Both of us were looking forward to purchasing a home soon, but it looks like those plans will have to be delayed for some time. We absolutely do not want to get in over our heads.

The next few months will surely be a turning point for us. Looking forward to the new changes, and hoping to finally find a forever home.
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